R&D and Quality Studies

EB-JAS ideology and business core has been and always in advancing quality systems and business environments through continuous researches and market analysis by industry experts; delivering up-to-date quality and accreditation services to all in the industry, as well as providing others in the market a more qualitative approach.

EB-JAS R&D encourages in research studies and work with industry reputed organizations that work in the field of International standards and accreditation. EB-JAS keep up-to-date all accredited bodies certified under EB-JAS as well as all related organizations on the R&D results and publications; enabling and passing information in enhancing the services.

EB-JAS also provides quality studies related to accreditation studies with industry related assessors to formulate simplest and most efficient accreditation procedures that can be provided. If your organization wishes to be part of EB-JAS R&D programs, feels free to get in contact with EB-JAS R&D committee and understand the current programs.

EB-JAS Quality Enhancement Services

EB-JAS services are without any regional or international boundaries, facilitating technical expertise and assessors from all business domains and accreditation schemes. On top of providing accreditation services, EB-JAS is in business collaboration with certified accredited bodies to enable diverse range of services, all related to the accreditation industry.

EB-JAS in business/marketing collaboration with certified accredited bodies and partners provides services, which includes

  • Technical consultancy.
  • Technical & lead assessors.
  • Specialized training & support.
  • Market research and Accreditation R&D.