New Accreditation Application/Request

EB-JAS accreditation services is open for all business entities and organizations who wish to provide services mentioned on the accreditation document. EB-JAS accreditation service is not restricted to any regional or international boundaries, organization structure and business activities. All new accreditation request applicants should comply with the EB-JAS business policy compliance.

The following must be satisfied to be a qualified new accreditation request applicant.

  1. The applicant must be a registered organization with legal registration under a national/international identifiable body.
  2. The applicant company/organization should qualify with all required compliance and eligibility for the requested accreditation request.

Download all the application forms and related documents from Downloads >> Application Forms >> New Accreditation Application / Request.

For any assistance, you can forward your queries and requests to

[email protected]

The Accreditation Process For New Accreditation Request

  1. Self Assessment Do yourself self assessment and analysis to evaluate your organization compliance with the relevant accreditation standards.
  2. Apply   Apply for the New Accreditation request for the required accreditation scheme.[Process related to “apply for New Accreditation Request”]
  3. Assigning Team   Once EB-JAS receives all the required documents for the initiating the accreditation process, an account manager will be assigned as contact person for your organization to assist though the accreditation process.
  4. Accreditation Readiness Visit    Accreditation Readiness / Initial Assessment visit will be conducted under the supervision of the assigned account manager. This initial visit is an assessment visit to evaluate the participant’s readiness and compliance with the accreditation standards.
  5. Accreditation Assessment Visit   Accreditation Assessment visit will be done after the accreditation readiness visit is completed and satisfied. A team of Accreditation assessor and technical personnel related to the accreditation will conduct the assessment. Once all the requirement and compliance are fulfilled and satisfactory according to the standard requirements, final reports will be forwarded to EB-JAS decision making committee.
  6. Accreditation Awarding   Once all the requirements and process are completed, the accreditation will be awarded. A certificate of accreditation will be provided and the participant will be updated into the EB-JAS “Accredited Organization Directory” for public verification and authenticity.

Accreditation Process Time

The time-frame for the accreditation process varies due to number of aspects such as complexity of the accreditation process, assessments, site visits and training, if any. EB-JAS is committed in a transparent accreditation process with quick and defined action plan followed throughout all steps of the accreditation process. The initial document/application compilations and approvals, team assigning and initial assessment visits will be provided within 3 months from which the participant gets in contact for the accreditation with EB-JAS.